Sunday, November 15, 2009

I've had the rest of you, now I want the best of you.

"I'm not saying I'm the best, or even better than you. I just know that I can do so much better than where I am now, and its not my fault that I know my best would beat you to the ground. Its just freaking natural, bitch" - A.

wow, confidence spur much.

I find it stupid when people iconize people like Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, etc. and quote them like a freaking worshipper, yet, they only uphold that "confidence" without the class, grace, mannerisms and extras. Then they just come off as fucking bitchy. Oh well, let people do as they please!

Bukit Kiara show is OVER. WHOO! Imagine if I did this every weekend. No longer would I have the pleasure of waking up at 9 :( Well, not that I wake up at 9 anyways. Everyday, without fail, I would be awake before 7.45. Seriously, even on weekends. I love my horses for that.

Prelim 1A = 10th place (57 %)  (please, don't laugh. and yes. My "bestfriend" beat me.)
Yet, I will listen to Cheyenne and be happy for her, as that 61% will be the best test she will ever do in her life. Bitch alert!
Novice 2A = 4th place (58.something %)
Prelim 1B = 2nd place (67.6%)
Novice 2B = 4th place (58.8%)
Prelim 1C = 5th place (63.64%)
Novice 2C = 2nd place (61.56%)

Am not happy with any of my tests. Not even prelim 1B, I could have done a mile better. grr

Weekend shows are fun :) Tiring, but very very fun. Stressful to an extent too, but oh well. Fun comes with some kinda loss right? Oh, my 70-80 jumping was amaeeezing. LOL He spooked like a bitch so I was too tense in the arena anyways to get a clear round. OH WELL.

I have 7 new books. Yes, 7. And 4 of them are like 800 pages. HA HA HA. Am stocking up for my lonely holidays. :( At this time of the year, I would be with my friends in JB making very stupid videos every day. Or at least I would be with seeing someone and we'd be meeting up. Or whatever. This year, everything changed. Gah.

oh, bytheway. There's this boy...

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